Our IT-Services covers anything around workstations and servers form HP, IBM, Sun and SGI unrelated to sales. Especially there are maintenance contracts, for instance for Origin3000 systems by SGI and system training for these machines.
At OLMOS Technologies we take your computer system under maintenance at a budget. Whether you need a reaction in a few hours or the next working day is fine for you - we offer individualy tailored contracts. And if you want to raise you staffs know-how, we offer technical training with hands-on experience.

Diagnostics with phone support from our technicians, we then send you replacement parts.
Only if your diagnostice don't yield sufficient results, or employing the replacement parts does not lead to a success, one of our technicians is deployed on-site. This keeps human-recource allocation and thus costs low.

Skilled personel is always short. We enlarge your most valuable resource with our system training.
Visit us and learn to know your systems better. With well-founded theoretical fundamentals an hands-on system work we extend your knowledge. Or we come to your site and hold the training there.